On Windows Phone 8.1 you can share content from other apps to Ultimate Flash Cards. This is useful if you are reading texts
in a foreign language and the app allows sharing this text.
The following screenshots demonstrate how to share content from another app. The Twitter client Mehdoh is used to demonstrate
this function:
- We open the Mehdoh Twitter client.
- Mehdoh allows sharing single tweets. We see a tweet where we don't understand the term "bits and bobs" and decide
to add this as vocable to Ultimate Flash Cards. We tap the Share button at the bottom.
- Tap "share..."
- Select Ultimate Flash Cards as Share target. The app will open and redirects to the "edit vocable" page, adding the
shared text as sample sentence.
- Select the vocable you want to add.
- Tap the copy icon at the bottom - the selected vocable will be copied and is ready for translation.
You can now use the
online lookup function to look for the translation.